
Vehicle Recovery


Vehicle recovery is an essential service provided by Alliance Auto Assist, designed to offer immediate and reliable assistance in the event of a vehicle breakdown or accident. This service ensures that your vehicle is safely transported to a repair facility or location of your choice, minimizing inconvenience and ensuring swift, professional care.

25 Years
Claims Processed
Located in
Derby, UK

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Vehicle Recovery
Alliance Auto Assist
Insurance Companies
Local Auto Body Shops
National Auto Clubs
Claims Firms

Alliance Auto Assist leads in Vehicle Recovery, surpassing major competitors such as Local Auto Repair Shops and National Auto Clubs, as illustrated in our comparative analysis. Our bar graph demonstrates our exceptional efficiency and reliability in vehicle recovery services, emphasizing our top-notch performance and customer satisfaction compared to these competitors. This distinction underscores our commitment to offering unparalleled vehicle recovery solutions, ensuring rapid and dependable assistance when you need it most.

What types of vehicles does Alliance Auto Assist recover?

Alliance Auto Assist is equipped to recover a wide range of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, and light commercial vehicles, ensuring prompt assistance regardless of your vehicle type.

How quickly can I expect vehicle recovery services from Alliance Auto Assist?

Our team is committed to a rapid response, aiming to reach you as quickly as possible. Our exact response time depends on your location and current conditions but rest assured, we strive to be as prompt as we can.

Can Alliance Auto Assist transport my vehicle to a repair shop of my choice?

Yes, we offer the flexibility to transport your vehicle to your preferred repair shop or a suitable location that meets your needs, providing a tailored recovery solution.

Start with Alliance Auto Assist for making easy claims

Drive forward with Alliance Auto Assist, your partner in auto excellence

Investra operates in strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Our services are governed by regulations such as the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and Truth in Lending Act (TILA). Additionally, we adhere to the standards set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and are committed to meeting the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. This adherence ensures that we maintain the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct, safeguarding your trust in our platform. Please consult our Terms and Conditions for more detailed information.